• business today india    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 恩納社環保科技股份有限公司

      ...cation of water sciences to the broad spectrum now available from Enersave.Today, Enersave group has offices serving Asia Pacific including South East Asia, Australia, Greater China, India and Europe. A newly opened Singapore office supports worldwide export capability for membrane systems.

      電話:03-3166288    地址:桃園縣桃園市33045中正路1071號15樓之2
    2. Cerebrum Design Taiwan co., lt

      ...creators, bridging consumer’s aspirations with the core values of brands today.Cerebrum Design is one of the most established design consultancy in Taiwan and Thailand, and the business footprint extends to Sweden, India, Cambodia, France, Singapore, China / Hong Kong, and Japan. With these projec...

      電話:02-25115957    地址:台北市中山區中山北路二段26巷11號地圖
    3. 象星科技有限公司

      ...design of Man Machine User Interface and the API integration meets most of todays mobile demands. Ranging from one software application to the entire MMI construction, Astrotek provides one-stop B2B mobile solution.By utilizing the technical excellence on software product development and commiting s...

      電話:02-27270289    地址:台北市信義區松德路217號 (6/10搬汐止.長興街)
    4. 兆霆國際有限公司

      ...an, our business has expanded into Asian markets such as China, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Thailand etc for wider distribution. we have been insisting on our mission to provide superior services and instant goods supply for the purpose of reducing customers’ inventory levels and pressure for procu...

      電話:02-22521155    地址:台北市大安區復興南路一段368號13樓
    5. InnoComm Technologies Co., Ltd

      ...the top down to realize business, technical and operational objectives. In today’s competitive marketplace, INNOCOMM provides the open standard technology, professional service, and next generation messaging solutions to meet 2.5G 3G service provider in leveraging its new service platform and VAS...

      電話:02-27971551    地址:台北市內湖區民權東路180巷6號5F之16

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